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Clear Differences

With the emergence of the new AI creator marketplace, Vengo AI, people and investors are asking, “So, what’s the difference?” From user experience to creator earnings, there is almost nothing identical about ChatGPT and Vengo AI. The two are not one in the same, though Vengo AI includes many of the features that come with ChatGPT, yet ChatGPT does NOT include all of the features offered with Vengo AI. When it comes to ChatGPT vs. Vengo AI, there are many clear differences, and the purpose of this post is to clarify the differences.

Conversational Component

To begin, ChatGPT is designed to be a source of information. The types of questions users ask to the OpenAI owned company are centered around intellectual topics. On the other hand, Vengo AI is designed to give users an entirely different conversational experience. When chatting with the AI, users engage in human-like conversations about life circumstances. This could include anything from motherhood to career decisions. The responses from the AI are not written in research paper format, rather users can expect to see emotions and feelings reflected in the written and verbal intonation from the AI.

Business Benefits

Who couldn’t utilize a clone of themselves? Business owners will benefit the most from using Vengo AI to create a virtual replica of themselves. If you’re a business owner, you no longer have to take those late night calls just to make the customers happy. Instead, create an AI version of yourself, input all of your business solutions, and allow the customer to chat with the virtual version of you! Now that’s a genius time-saving solution. You might also save yourself from a few headaches. If you want to know how this is possible, keep reading.

Creator Marketplace

Now let’s talk about the personalized piece of Vengo AI that is non-existent with ChatGPT. With Vengo AI, people now have the freedom to create various AI personas. AI personas can be friends, mentors, experts, or fictional characters. Vengo AI is not limited to any creative boundaries. Creators can invent any AI character or persona they wish. On ChatGPT, creativity is somewhat limited as the base persona included within the platform is already predetermined.

Profit Maker

Here’s another bit of Vengo AI that is non-existent with ChatGPT. On Vengo AI, you can earn money. Yes, I said it. You can earn money. But, how? Well, on Vengo AI, when you create and AI persona or character, as mentioned above, you can earn money by selling your persona to others. The more AI characters and personas that you create, the more you will sell, and the more money you will make. This is big news for anyone who wants to earn some extra income. By being a part of this platform, you’re getting your share of the AI market boom. On ChatGPT, you are not given the opportunity to earn extra cash. Instead, your data is the one driving the profit-margins.

Ease of Use

Time to talk about how simple it is to use Vengo AI’s application. When you sign up for Vengo AI, you’re immediately greeted by the platform AI, her name is Vengana. She takes you through the onboarding process by asking you a series of questions to not only create your profile, but to also create your very first AI persona friend to chat with. Unlike ChatGPT where you’re given a chat box and a blank screen. Also, when it does come time to create your AI persona of choice, all you have to do is fill in the specified informational fields and upload documents. (Don’t worry, each one comes with a description and example.) Once you’ve entered the necessary information to create your AI character, you click submit, and voila! You’ve got yourself your very own virtual companion. Then you can share it with the world to have people purchase it, so you can earn a piece of the pie!


Simply put, Vengo AI response times are 5 times faster than ChatGPT. Don’t believe me? See for yourself:

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